Bureau of Library Development Updates – October 2024 | Compendium

Happy Fall, library colleagues!

Highlights of the Bureau of Library Development (BLD) in the Office of Commonwealth Libraries’ (OCL) ongoing projects and initiatives are listed below, and BLD’s third quarter digest is included at the end of this post in case you missed some of our posts from the past few months. Also, remember to check the Compendium calendar to see important BLD dates.

Statewide Assessment

As outlined in project area 1.1 of OCL’s five-year plan, OCL engaged with a consulting firm, Blue Willow Consulting LLC, to conduct a statewide needs assessment. The first portion of this project involved holding focus groups in July and August with statewide partners as well as library directors, administrators, and consultants. An online survey launched in September, through which more than 600 public library leaders and leaders of other stakeholder organizations shared their views of the needs and expectations that Pennsylvania residents have of public libraries. Moving into the winter, the assessment will continue with data collection from Pennsylvania residents through additional statewide polling, interviews, and focus groups using random selection procedures. By the spring of 2025, we expect to have the results of the assessment presented to library leaders and stakeholders who will participate in a series of activities designed to synthesize the knowledge and reflect on its meaning and how it might be used going forward. Based on the findings and outcomes from all these activities, in summer 2025, a set of recommendations and related collateral marketing pieces will be designed to encourage their use in public libraries. And a final report will be presented in fall 2025 to key library leadership organizations.

Library Regulations

Proposed changes to existing library regulations have been drafted and are under final departmental review.  The BLD work group pulled together relevant supporting material, and we expect to submit the regulatory package to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) early 2025 after the new general assembly has convened and new committees are established to avoid interruptions in the process. Information about the process and the draft regulations can be found on the Library Regulations LibGuide.

Grant Programs

  • Statewide Library Service Grants
    • Awards have been made for FY 2024-25 new and renewal Statewide Library Service Grants. Contracts are routing for signatures.
    • The subgrant to PA Council on the Arts to administer Folk and Traditional Arts projects with local libraries ended September 30, 2024.
    • The 2025 round applications must be submitted on eGrants by NOON on Thursday, October 17, 2024. Applicants can expect funding decisions by late February or early March, with funded projects to be completed between April 1, 2025-September 30, 2026.

State Aid

  • The State Aid Library Subsidy Application (SALSA) closed on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
  • Plans for State Aid (which includes County Coordination Aid plans) opened on Wednesday, September 25 and are due on Wednesday, October 30, 2024.
  • BLD is implementing new district names for four districts. There is no change to the entity that is the district library center. The name changes will be implemented in LibPAS (Counting Opinions) as well as other OCL documentation. Please be sure to update any internal documents that may exist with the historical names.
    • “Doylestown” is now named the “Bucks” district.
    • “Erie” is now named “Northwest” district.
    • “Washington” is now named the “Southwest” district.
    •  “York” is now named the “South Central” district.

Youth Services

  • There is an opportunity to provide feedback on the PA One Book initiative to measure the extent of the reach of this year’s program with the selection of Slug in Love by Rachel Bright by completing this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PAOneBook2024LP
  • Register for Early Childhood Conversations – These community of practice sessions are designed to enhance library services for children ages 0-8 across Pennsylvania. All library staff and volunteers providing services to young children are invited to attend. Thanks to the Early Childhood Services Steering Team for helping to moderate these sessions.
  • Register for the Pennsylvania Summer Library Program 2025 Roundtable Session on Celebrating our Stories on Thursday, October 10, 1:30 – 3:00 PM.  Join in conversation with colleagues in group and breakout discussion on how to define success, achieve goals, and celebrate outcomes.  Go beyond registration data and completed reading logs to capture the changes in skills, well-being, and knowledge, especially in systemically marginalized communities. We recommend viewing the Building Equity-Based Summers workbook section “Summer Services Impact” before attending the session.
  • Approximately 375 libraries contributed to the richness of the Pennsylvania Summer Library Program story through the Summer 2024 impact report.  We are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate program successes through the Summer 2025 Showcase.  More data will be shared as it becomes available.  Special thanks to the Pennsylvania Summer Advisory Committee for their guidance and direction.

Library Operations and Relationships

  • A Steering Team is currently in place and developing model policies and procedures for libraries to use as they develop their own.  As these models are finalized, they will be made available on a BLD LibGuide.  If you need a model policy or procedure, please complete this form https://forms.office.com/g/CPJBet6bpw and the Steering Team will add it to the list.
  • OCL has partnered with PA Humanities on a pilot project for libraries, funded by the IMLS and focused on community engagement and the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.  Trainings were held in June and August with a focus on the history of the Declaration of Independence and how libraries can effectively engage with their partners and community members in creating safe spaces for discussions.  A toolkit and related website are in development to provide libraries with resources in continuing their work in connecting and engaging with their communities and will be available soon.
  • A Steering Team is currently in place to develop a revised Board Trustee Manual as an update to the Getting on Board Manual, and work is beginning in creating a resource to help trustees understand their important role in governance.  When completed, this manual will be available on a BLD LibGuide.

Professional Development

  • BLD has a statewide subscription to Homeless Library Academy by Ryan Dowd. This resource provides all Pennsylvania libraries with empathy focused de-escalation and conflict resolution training. The Homeless Library Academy programs can be easily accessed through your PA Library Staff Academy log-in, found in the category titled “Homeless Library Academy.” We encourage libraries to share this resource widely with library staff, board members, and volunteers. Our ability to continue a statewide subscription relies on the robust use of this training platform.
      • Ryan Dowd will host a live 30-minute training on Traumatic Brain Injury on October 10 at 2:00 PM. Register here, using password 1010. To receive information about Homeless Library Academy’s live monthly webinars, fill out this form.
  • Bookmark the following sites and refer to them frequently to stay up-to-date on workshops and webinars that may be of interest.

BLD reorganization and rebuilding

  • Administration & Data Unit
    • Contracts and LSTA Coordinator (Education Administration Specialist) – Cynthia Capaccio started September 23, 2024.
    • Administrative Assistant – GJ Hinkley resigned in August. The position has been posted and applications will be accepted through October 7, 2024.
  • Assistant Director position to be posted soon.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions, and as always, thank you for all you do for Pennsylvanians.


Heather Sharpe, MLIS | Director, Bureau of Library Development
Office of Commonwealth Libraries | Pennsylvania Department of Education
607 South Drive | Room 230 | Harrisburg PA  17120
Office: 717.783.0565 | Mobile: 717.903.1819 | www.statelibrary.pa.gov


Quarterly BLD Digest

July 2024:

July 2, 2024 — PA One Book 2024 Evaluation Surveys (Heather Smith)

July 10, 2024 — State Aid Library Subsidy Application – Now OPEN (Amy Geisinger)

July 16, 2024 — Sign Up Now for Professional Development Workshops (Julie Moore)

July 17, 2024 — Bureau of Library Development – Staff Update (Heather Sharpe)

July 18, 2024 — Adult Services Survey (Kristin LaVanish)

July 19, 2024 — Bureau of Library Development Updates – July 2024 (Heather Sharpe)

July 25, 2024 — Register Now for AI Ethics with Nick Tanzi (Julie Moore)

July 29, 2024 — Reminder: Complete the Adult Services Survey (Kristin LaVanish)

August 2024:

August 1, 2024 — Pennsylvania Summer Library Program 2024 Impact Report- NOW OPEN (Corri Hines)

August 20, 2024 — Register for Fall 2024 Early Childhood Conversations (ECC) (Heather Smith)

August 21, 2024 — Workforce Development and PA CareerLink® (Kristin LaVanish)

August 22, 2024 — Basic Reports in LibPAS Training: Access Your Annual Report Data with Ease (Amy Geisinger)

August 26, 2024 — Register Now for Pennsylvania Summer Library Program 2025 Roundtable Sessions (Corri Hines)

September 2024:

September 11, 2024 — Cooperation with Magisterial District Courts (Amy Geisinger)

September 23, 2024 — Assessing the Future Role of Public Libraries in Pennsylvania (Heather Sharpe)

September 24, 2024 — Bureau of Library Development – Staff Update (Heather Sharpe)

September 24, 2024 — Explore PA Adult Education Resources (Kris LaVanish)

September 25, 2024 — Plans for State Aid for Public Libraries and Federated Systems for 2024-2025 Are Open (Mike Reilly)

The Bureau of Library Development (BLD) in the Office of Commonwealth Libraries supports libraries and library services for Pennsylvanians through the administration of state and federally funded programs and grant opportunities including LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), Library AccessLAMP (Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians), the Public Library Subsidy, and Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities. BLD also provides advisory services, professional development, and continuing education for library staff and volunteer leadership at public, school, academic, and special libraries.

The Compendium is BLD’s primary communication channel. If you don’t already subscribe, please do so to ensure you receive the most up-to-date information.