In response to an increase in requests for information on the Zika Virus, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) has put together resources that you can share with members of your community.
MedlinePlus now includes a health topic page on Zika Virus in English and Spanish.
The Specialized Information Services group of NLM has also created a Zika Virus Health Information Resources web site that includes content syndication.
If you need Zika Virus information in languages other than English and Spanish you may visit HealthReach from NLM and locate Zika Virus material in different languages.
Sent to you by….
Renae Barger
Michelle Burda
Lydia Collins
Kate Flewelling
Ida Joiner
NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region
Health Sciences Library System
University of Pittsburgh
3550 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261