The Constitution’s Most Important Clause | Compendium

Ben Franklin and other statues

The Constitution’s Most Important Clause
When: Monday, September 17, 2018  12 noon – 1pm
Where: State Library of Pennsylvania Law/Government Documents Reading Room 116 Forum Building and Ground Floor, Open House of Rare Collections

Did you know that September 17th is Constitution Day? Help the State Library to celebrate the day that the U.S. Constitution was ratified over 230 years ago. Sally Flaherty, Social Studies Advisor of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, will be presenting a talk entitled Secure the Blessings of Liberty.

Randy Lee, Constitutional Law professor at Widener School of Law, is also speaking about the Constitution. There will be an Open House of the Rare Collections where visitors can see some unique materials concerning the Constitution.

Try your hand at some of the questions that people answer to pass the test for becoming a citizen. How well would you do?  Come and see the newly renovated Law and Government Documents Reading Room at the State Library.

 For more information contact Ellen Shenk at or 717.783.5969.