Statewide Gathering: Less than 3 weeks! | Compendium

The first Statewide Gathering is less than three weeks away! The deadline to register is now closed – but – there are three more this year! Our previous post covers the agenda, purpose, and lists all four dates and locations, which can be found here in case you missed it. 

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the gatherings! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions via LibAnswers.  

See our previous Statewide Gathering post for additional information. Keep an eye on the Compendium for more details and registration information, and we hope to see you there!  

The Bureau of Library Development (BLD) in the Office of Commonwealth Libraries supports libraries and library services for Pennsylvanians through the administration of state and federally funded programs and grant opportunities including LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), Library Access, LAMP (Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians), the Public Library Subsidy, and Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities. BLD also provides advisory services, professional development, and continuing education for library staff and volunteer leadership at public, school, academic, and special libraries. 

The Compendium is BLD’s primary communication channel. If you don’t already subscribe, please do so to ensure you receive the most up-to-date information.