Public Library Directory is Live | Compendium

Hello Everyone,

The Office of Commonwealth Libraries Public Library Directory is now live. It has been a long time coming and we are happy to finally have it up and ready for all to use. In addition to the general information provided on the Public Library Directory, viewers can also access any of the various reports on the library’s circulation, programming, technology, and more. The information in these reports is pulled from the selected year’s annual report and is provided in an infographic style.

In order for us to ensure that the directory is up to date, we ask that you search for your library and verify the information is correct. There is also space for library hours; however, library hours will not show up unless they have been uploaded into the system.

If you’ve been perusing LibPAS lately, you may have noticed that there is a link to an update form on the home page of LibPAS (Counting Opinions) that is available after logging in. Please use the update form to notify OCL of any changes to personnel and general information about your library, as this will be our preferred way of receiving these updates going forward.

State Aid Team

Please send any questions to the State Aid Team at