The State Library will be issuing applications for a LSTA competitive grant cycle early in September with applications due back through the PDE e-Grants system on October 30. Grants awarded through these applications will begin after July 1, 2016 and projects must be finished by June 30, 2017.
Grants for this round of applications should focus on one of four areas:
Moving PA Forward grants for libraries to develop programs that focus on the five PA Forward literacies.
Creation Program grants for libraries to create opportunities for library users to experience hands-on creation in the library. Creation Program examples include:
· Audio and video production
· Makerspaces
· Digital Media Learning Labs
· Other media learning devices
Mobile Technology grants to aid libraries in purchasing new technology hardware to enhance public access to information and the development of programs using this equipment.
Try It Grants to aid individual libraries in developing projects that are new to them and support at least one of the following LSTA priorities:
Put your thinking caps on and stay tuned. More details about the application process will be coming to your email box soon.