The second Library 2.018 online mini-conference,
“Blockchain Applied: Impact on the Information Profession,” will be held on June 7 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm and it is FREE!
This Eventbrite site offers registration and additional information.
The event is being organized in partnership with Drs. Sue Alman and Sandra Hirsh from the San Jose State University School of Information as part of their IMLS-funded investigation of the potential uses of blockchain technology for the information professions.
Speakers will include: Dan Blackaby, Todd A. Carpenter, Frank Cervone, Christina Cornejo, Michael Della Bitta, Miguel Figueroa, Patricia C. Franks, Toby Greenwalt, Jason Griffey, M Ryan Hess, Amy Jiang, Stacey Johnson, Bohyun Kim, Heather A. McMorrow, Eric Meyer, Robert Norton, Tonia San Nicolas-Rocca, Ravi Singh, and Link Swanson.
Blockchain technology has the potential for libraries to accomplish much more than housing electronic credentials. The technology enables a broader impact within the community and around the globe. Some suggestions being explored for blockchain applications in libraries include building an enhanced metadata center, protecting Digital First Sale rights, supporting community-based collections, and facilitating partnerships across organizations. This mini-conference will provide participants with an overview of blockchain technology and information about current applications within the information professions. Join the discussion on ways that blockchain technology can be used in libraries on this ischool blog.