Summer Reading Visit to a Planetarium | Compendium
Everett Free Library Summer Reading Trip

Participants from Everett Free Library’s summer reading program outside planetarium at Frostburg University on July 14, 2015.

–submitted by Judy Hillegas

The Everett Free Library had a very successful summer reading program. Out of the 130 registrants, 103 finished the program. The most wonderful thing about the program is that the participants read 1,610.5 hours!!

Preschoolers met with Susan Trimeloni on Friday mornings and were able to read and earn prizes. Those entering Kindergarten through Eighth grade were able to do two different programs. One program allowed the participants to read at home and earn prizes. The other program also encouraged reading at home, but also allowed the participants to come to the library on Tuesday mornings for activity times.

Through the summer food program, the library also offered breakfast and lunch on Tuesdays to the participants and anyone else under the age of 18. Busing was provided for those who needed transportation in order to attend activity days.

By reading and attending activity days, the participants were able to earn their way toward two field trips. The first was learning a trip to Frostburg University where they attended a wonderful program at the planetarium and were able to visit the new science center. The second was a fun trip on the last day to the Morrison’s Cove Park for a fun-filled day of bowling and swimming.