Hunger is a severe roadblock to the learning process. Lack of nutrition during the summer months may set up a cycle of poor performance once school begins. We would like to help you explore the benefits of adding the SFSP to existing summer programs held at your library so children who reside in your area can return to school in the fall ready to learn.
Those Kids are Hungry…Feed them! The Summer Lunch program is FREE! Make plans now to participate!
What’s holding you back?
No kitchen? You can contract to have bag lunches brought in. You don’t have to offer the lunch every day–but why not? If half of the kids in your school district qualify for free or reduced lunches, then ALL the kids who attend your program can have the free lunch at the library! Even if you only want to offer a snack–that’s OK.
You don’t even need to offer a program!!! Yet, advertising the meals with your program may even increase your attendance!
Interested? Questions? Contact the Summer Food Program staff at the Pennsylvania Department of Education– email SFSP-RA@pa.gov or call 800.331.0129.
One Hundred and Ten libraries participated in the Summer Food Program last year! Those libraries are decreasing the number of children who suffer from hunger; however, there are still children residing far from available feeding sites. The Pennsylvania Department of Education hopes that more libraries will want to join the fight against childhood hunger.
Libraries make great sites for many reasons. They are natural gathering places for children and have other activities for the children to do once the children are there. As a bonus to the library, the SFSP gets children in the doors. One librarian reported her children and juvenile book circulation increased over 250% the first summer she participated in SFSP.
Libraries that are in areas near families with low income are needed to participate as either a sponsor or site in the SFSP. The SFSP website is www.education.state.pa.us/sfsp.
Apply through the site or contact the SFSP staff at PDE email SFSP-RA@pa.gov or call 800.331.0129. Learning does not end when school lets out; neither does the need for good nutrition. This year’s application deadline is June 15.
The Summer Food Service Program was created to ensure that children in low-income areas could continue to receive nutritious meals during long school vacations, when they do not have access to school lunch or breakfast.
Nearly 14 million children depend on free and reduced-price school meals for 9 months out of the year. Many of them are at nutritional risk during the months when their schools are closed for vacation. Unfortunately, only about 2.3 million children participate in SFSP each day.
SFSP is the single largest Federal resource available for local sponsors who want to combine a feeding program with a summer activity program. Please take advantage of this valuable resource to provide nutritious meals to the children in your community! Join us in supporting children by becoming a partner in SFSP.