by Compendium News Staff | Jan 11, 2017 | Professional Development, Resources of Interest
Toward Tech Savvy Trustees Library staff are expected to embrace technology advancements and keep their skills sharp and their libraries relevant. But what about library boards—how tech savvy are your trustees? The more that trustees are dialed into a personal use of...
by Compendium News Staff | Nov 29, 2016 | Data, Professional Development, Resources of Interest, Rural and Small Libraries
WebJunction, in cooperation with the Association of Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL), is offering a webinar on December 1. The webinar will outline the steps of an engaged planning process, to align library capabilities with community needs and aspirations. Once you...
by Compendium News Staff | Oct 7, 2016 | Academic Libraries, Children's Services, Professional Development, Resources of Interest
Does your library have users and staff aged 18-35? If the answer is yes, meet the Millennials. They are quite different from the Boomers and Gen Xers who preceded them. The future depends on this younger generation, but we have to attract them now if we want them to...
by Compendium News Staff | Sep 26, 2016 | Library News, Professional Development, Resources of Interest
submitted by: Mary Ann W. Yonki, Wilkes-Barre Library District Consultant, Osterhout Free Library, North Branch Strategies for Leadership Transition was the topic of the day on Saturday, September 24,2016 as Library Trustees from the Northeast, Wilkes-Barre...
by Compendium News Staff | Sep 7, 2016 | Professional Development
The registration deadline for the Multi-District Board Trustee and Library Director Workshop on September 17, is extended through Friday, September 9th. If you haven’t yet signed up and are planning to attend, please register at this Survey Monkey link. Check out...