by Compendium News Staff | Jan 10, 2017 | Children's Services, Resources of Interest, School Libraries
Visit for FREE posters and all of your planning and resource needs to help you implement great digital literacy and tech-focused programs and services for and with the teens in your community, especially during TTW, March 5—11, 2017. This...
by Compendium News Staff | Dec 14, 2016 | Children's Services, Resources of Interest, School Libraries
ALA and Rosen Publishing have released the video Libraries Ready to Code. Read more and access the video! Thinking about adding coding opportunities at your library? Here are a few free resources from TechSoup.
by Compendium News Staff | Nov 7, 2016 | Accessibility, Health Focus, PA Forward, Resources of Interest
By Elizabeth Hess The month of November usually makes me think of the upcoming holiday season, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying the beautiful Pennsylvania autumn. After recently attending an eye-opening session at the Pennsylvania Library...
by Compendium News Staff | Aug 30, 2016 | Academic Libraries, Resources of Interest, School Libraries
The Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) is participating in ALA’s Emerging Leaders Program, which enables 50 new librarians to get on the fast track to leadership within ALA and the library field. The Emerging Leader Program kicks off with a day-long leadership...
by Compendium News Staff | Jun 24, 2016 | Resources of Interest
The Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) has released “The People’s Incubator: Libraries Propel Entrepreneurship” (.pdf), a 21-page white paper that describes libraries’ importance in the innovation economy and urges decision makers to work more...