Stolarski Wins ISTE Award | Compendium
Ellen Stolarski

Ellen Stolarski


Ellen Stolarski is this year’s International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)  Librarian’s Network Secondary Award winner.

Ellen is a middle school librarian in Saint Mary’s Area School District. She has been a participant of PSLA’s Emerging Leader Program (2014-15) and ILEADUSA (2016). She is also the co-coordinator of the Pennsylvania Young Reader’s Choice Award committee. She is a blogger for YALSA and is a member of PSLA, ALA, YALSA, AASL, and AMLE.

As a winner of this award, she will be honored at the 2018 ISTE Conference & Expo in Chicago during a breakfast for leaders of the ISTE Professional Learning Networks. Ellen will also be recognized online at, and receive a plaque and free membership to ISTE for one year.

This is the second year in a row that PA has had a librarian receive this award (last year Karey Killian was the winner of the ISTELIB Primary Award). Applications for this award typically release in January and are announced at the end of March.  You do not need to be an ISTE member to apply.

If you are attending ISTE this year, they are still looking for librarians to present at the Playground. This is an interactive poster sessions where you can demonstrate a specific tool or product you use in your library, or showcase a project you’ve done. In the past librarians have presented on things like digital sign outs, Bloxels, LibraryTrac, NoodleTools, paper circuits, co-teaching, and much more. If you’d like more information or would want to present, please visit the ISTE Librarians Network website

Submitted by Heather Lister