Research Study on Homeschooling | Compendium

Consider particpating in a study of library services to homeschooling populations in Pennsylvania.  The research study is being conducted as part of a master’s thesis at Clarion University (see below).

The thirteen questions should take about 20 minutes to complete. Answer them to the best of your knowledge. Participants will receive no payment of any kind for their participation or completion of the survey.

There are no known risks associated with participation in this research study. Note that participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You may choose to skip any question that you do not feel comfortable with. You may refuse or withdraw at any time with no consequence.

All completed surveys will be kept confidential. The data will collected online and stored on the researcher’s secured computer. The identity of the library for which the survey is being completed for will not be revealed in any form this research takes.

Please note that clicking next and completion of the survey implies consent for participation.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

This is the link to the survey

Principal Investigator: Staci Bettencourt. Information and Library Science Department Clarion University of Pennsylvania.
IRB Project Number: 04-17-18
Clarion University of Pennsylvania Administration Office, 108 Carrier Administration Building, Clarion, Pennsylvania 16214, 814-393-2337
This survey was created for research for LS600 Library Science Capstone course at Clarion University