Professional Development Opprtunities for June | Compendium

Find professional development opportunities in June 2018 by topic or date at WebJunction.

Also check out upcoming WebJunction webinars and  WebJunction’s course catalog.   All WebJunction courses and webinars are FREE and count towards public library CE requirements.

Also, you continue to have access to Skillsoft courses until June 30, 2018, when our service ends.  You are encouraged to enroll in and complete classes before access ends. Please also remember to print your Certificates of Completion by that time.

New Skillsoft account registrations are also allowed through June 30, so you can pass along information about Skillsoft to colleagues who may be interested in taking a course.  Learn more about accessing and registering for Skillsoft.

Remember to check WebJunction Courses,  WebJunction Webinars and the Compendium for other continuing education opportunities that you may be interested in.