Compendium | News for Pennsylvania Libraries

Are You Making an Impact?

Active Voice Lab wants to help you determine if your stories are making a difference.  This Chronicle of Philanthropy article has links to Active Voice Lab’s beta site,, and links to various other resources on measurement and...

Upcoming WebJunction Webinars

No Job Seeker Left Behind: Library Services to Meet Their Needs This webinar will provide practical ways to deliver career development services in your library to support job jeekers in your community.   9 July 2015 Crafting a Successful Adult Education Program for...

You’re Invited to the Webinar Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Act Now Series: Partnerships in Action

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) creates new opportunities for partnerships that are especially critical across WIOA core programs. A number of state and local teams from Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Wagner-Peyser Employment Service, Adult...