The National Library Network of Medicine invites you to join them for the following webinars/CE opportunities taking place over the next 2 weeks. All are welcome and feel free to share with anyone you feel will be interested.
Next Tuesday, Dec. 8
Hospital Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities (Boost Box)
In this session we will discuss the current state of hospital libraries and consider their future in light of the Affordable Care Act, Meaningful Use, and budget cuts. We will especially consider the role the librarian plays and their effect on these changes, as well as ways the library’s resources (including the librarian) can help offset the expenses hospitals are facing. Speaker: Heather N. Holmes, MLIS, AHIP, Clinical Informationist, Summa Health System, Akron, OH.
When: December 8, 2015 noon-1pm ET
No Registration Required
Thursday, Dec. 17
Saving time with PubMed Subject-specific Queries (Focus on NLM Resources) Want to boost your PubMed prowess? Looking for preformulated searches on drugs, health information technology, public health and other topics? Spend an hour with NN/LM MAR Outreach Coordinator, Kate Flewelling, to save hours on your searches!
When: December 17, 2015 noon-1pm ET
No Registration Required
Also, this Thursday, Dec. 3 will kick off a Six-part seminar series commemorating the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project. The series kicks off this Thursday, December 3, 2015 with a panel discussion that includes key HGP leadership: Francis Collins (NIH Director and Former NHGRI Director) as well as Elke Jordan and Mark Guyer (Former NHGRI Deputy Directors).
The recordings will be posted on the GenomeTV channel of YouTube ( after December 3.
Sent by….
Renae Barger
Michelle Burda
Lydia Collins
Kate Flewelling
NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region
Health Sciences Library System
University of Pittsburgh
3550 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
***Funded by the National Library of Medicine under contract #HHS-N-276-2011-00003-C with the University of Pittsburgh.***