New Summer Reading Software | Compendium

New online summer reading software is available for 2015.  This year Counting Opinions’ Reading Club will be the software available for Pennsylvania libraries to use to increase their reach for summer readers.  The software will allow libraries to customize the software as much or as little as they like.

  • The Collaborative artwork has been preloaded, but you can add or change the art if you choose. There will be a youth component that can be broken in to different age groups so you can have different requirements for different ages.  There is a separate set up for adult reading programs.
  • Kids can choose avatars when they register. Virtual badges and certificates are available to recognize reading achievement and program/activity participation.
  • To help with your outreach work you can easily register classes and groups.

The first webinars will be in February, but more will follow in March and April. No registration is required.  Just click on the appropriate link a few minutes before the times listed.

Webinars to show how to set up software are scheduled for:

Tuesday, February 17 at 1 pm

Thursday, February 19 at 9 am

Tuesday, February 24 at 1 pm

For Libraries and systems who would like to go a bit deeper and configure the software to work with their ILS.  A configuration webinar will be offered:

Thursday, February 26 at 9 am

This advanced configuration allows libraries to fill in the registration form by scanning or typing in the participant’s bar code.

One of the basic and advanced webinars will be recorded.  Links for the recorded webinars, as well as March and April webinar dates will be sent later in February.

For general information about Reading Club visit