Laptop Grant for Libraries as Community Anchor Institutions | Compendium

Prepare to apply for a grant to receive laptops for your library outreach, training, and patron use.

Broadband is an important matter for public libraries.  As community anchor institutions, public libraries are well positioned to meet the need for high speed internet access, device access, and digital skills training.

Learn all about a grant opportunity managed by the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority to receive between 20 to 200 laptops to meet your community need for quality laptop devices.  Read the details for the Digital Connectivity Technology Program online here.   Find the guidelines and the FAQs.   The funding for this program comes from the Capital Projects Fund Program.

To help support your potential application and to increase library collaboration across the Commonwealth, library staff are invited to join me (Carrie from Office of Commonwealth Libraries) for a facilitated virtual discussion/office hours to talk about your planning, share sample policies, and discuss your ideas for how to answer questions on the application about sustainabilty and digital skills classes you are offering.   There are two dates/times available.  Sign up here to indicate your interest to attend a session at a time that works best for you and your library or system: Friday, June 14 at 9:00a.m. or Monday, June 17 at 11:00a.m.   I know it is short notice, so f these times don’t work, use the form to indicate your interest and I can attempt to schedule another session or a one-on-one conversation.

Be part of the progress towards the goal of digital equity for Pennsylvanians.