Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts Offers Grant Programs | Compendium

Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) Offers Grant Programs

CCAHA’s Preservation Needs Assessment Program
CCAHA is seeking applicants for its Preservation Needs Assessment Program, which will offer a limited number of subsidized preservation needs assessments.  Awarded institutions will pay a total of just $350 for services valued at over $5,000. The application deadline is March 16, 2018.  Learn more.

CCAHA’s Risk Assessment and Emergency Preparedness Program
CCAHA is seeking applicants for its Risk Assessment and Emergency Preparedness Program, which will provide a limited number of subsidized risk assessments. Awarded institutions will pay a total of just $350 for services valued at over $5,000. The deadline is March 16, 2018.  Learn more.

CCAHA is receiving funding for both programs through the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).