Broadband Updates for Libraries | Compendium

It is an exciting and historic time for broadband nationwide, in Pennsylvania, and for libraries. Read this post for a brief overview and headlines of recent updates to ensure your library is prepared to emower access to devices, connectivity, and digital literacy information to meet your community’s needs and play a role in the journey to digital equity.

Lending the Internet: E-rate Enables WI-FI Hotspot Services as a Reimbursable Expense

Recently, the FCC voted to begin to allow wifi hot spots to be a reimburseable expense.  Read the press release from the FCC here: DOC-404089A1.pdf ( or check out this article from Library Journal discussing this new opportunity for libraries to continue to play a strong role in bridging the digital divide: FCC Enables Libraries, Schools to Use E-Rate Funding for Wi-Fi Hotspots | Library Journal.  Watch a webinar from SHLB (Schools, Health, & Libraries Broadband Coalition) called E-rate HotSpot Lending – Answering Your Questions.

If your library hasn’t used e-rate in the past, this may be just the time to start, as you can meet more community needs by supplying internet for those who can’t afford it at home.  For more information about e-rate from Pennsylania’s contracted training and support, see: E-rate in Pennsylvania | ( or reach out and we can talk through early planning ideas to get your library started on the path to accessing funds for broadband through this program.

Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program from the NTIA (High Capacity Organizations)

Learn more at: Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program | National Telecommunications and Information Administration ( These grants are expected to be awarded in a range of $5-$12 Million and will require a 10% match.  Of note, this is a nationwide competitive grant.  It is possible that large organizations may contact Pennsylvania libraries to be a partner or part of an application or program.  It is possible that Office of Commonwealth Libraries will consider partnering to be a part of an application.  Connect with me if you have ideas and want to jump in to this important area to serve the covered populations.

Spread Awareness of Pennsylvania’s Digital Equity Plan

If you haven’t already, now would be a good time to read Pennsylvania’s approved Digital Equity Plan.  Libraries as community anchor institutions have an important role to play.  Here are a few actions you can take now to be best prepared for future opportunities:

  • Understand the needs of your covered populations.  Talk with your community and listen to the broadband needs identified by members of the covered populations.  View the draft Digital Equity Atlas.
  • Engage your library board.  Share and discuss the digital equity plan at your next board meeting. Talk about your library technology readiness and needs.  Make a plan backed by data to meet specific needs.
  • Build relationships with other organizations in your area, including libraries and other non-profit organizations or those serving broadband needs for workforce, education, and health.  Consider ways you can work together to support Pennsylvania’s plan.

Resources and Trainings about Broadband, Information Literacy & Digital Equity

  • Training Webinars on September 4 and 5, 2024: Use this link to REGISTER.
      • The Institute of Museum and Library Services, as part of its Information Literacy Initiative, will be hosting free Training Webinars on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 3 p.m. ET, and Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 10 a.m. ET.  The webinars will provide an overview of the trainings and resources available on and how these tools can support information literacy needs in communities throughout the country.
  • Free Public Library Association Webinar: Expand Library Digital Equity Services with New Funds Now! on September 4, 2024 | 1:00–2:00 p.m. Central: Use this link to Register.
      • A wide range of funding opportunities, ranging from thousands to millions, are available right now for public libraries to build digital literacy skills, support workforce development and economic advancement programs, offer telehealth support, and enable access to devices and broadband. Join this free webinar to get essential information, examples of eligible projects, and practical tips to apply for Digital Equity Act State Capacity Grants, national competitive grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA), and PLA funding for digital literacy workshops. An expert panel will break down funding opportunities with actionable information and recommendations for positioning your library for success—now and in the future.
  • If you are attending the Pennsylvania Library Association Conference, look to attend a session lead by the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority entitled Digital Equity Act and Opportunities for Funding on Monday, October 7 from 3:30-4:30PM.

Grant Opportunity :  PLA Digital Literacy with AT&T

Libraries who are interested in providing digital literacy classes may want to consider this application.  Other PA libraries have been successful with this opportunity in past rounds.  The grant window closes on October 18, 2024, so there is time to apply.  Read more here:  PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Incentives, supported by AT&T | Public Library Association (