Apply for Health Literacy and Disaster Information Funding | Compendium

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, invites applications for projects beginning May 14, 2017 and ending April 30, 2018.

Five award types are available for outreach projects that:

  • Enhance clinicians’ and public health workers’ abilities to find and use biomedical and health information in practice and for patient education;
  • Strengthen the involvement of libraries in assisting with health and disaster information needs before, during and after an emergency;
  • Promote a culture of health literacy within an organization;
  • Support health sciences librarians as conduits of information management, access, and delivery; and
  • Increase the ability for patients, family members, students and members of the general public to find and use health information.

Applicants may request up to $15,000.  The application deadline for these is 5:00 pm ET on Monday, April 17, 2017.

While funds are available, applications are also being accepted on a continuous basis for awards that:

  • Promote and demonstrate NLM products to target populations while exhibiting at a local or regional meeting or conference.
  • Increase awareness of NLM products and biomedical and health information support services offered by libraries, community- and faith-based organizations, health departments, health centers and other organizations serving as conduits of information access.
  • Expand professional knowledge and experience in order to provide improved health information access and delivery.
  • Support NNLM collaboration with Network members to plan symposia or large-scale professional development activities that address current trends in the healthcare landscape and their impact on information access and delivery.

All funding opportunities are listed here. Questions about funding or about specific awards can be directed to

submitted by:
Kate Flewelling, MLIS
Executive Director
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region
Health Sciences Library System
University of Pittsburgh
Phone: 412-624-3336