A Connect & Communicate Series Virtual Discussion
Friday, January 30, 12:00pm
During this hour, academic librarians are invited to share their experiences confronting dangerous situations in the library, as well as their concerns, thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for keeping themselves and their patrons safe.
This will be an informal discussion, during which all attendees are encouraged to participate. The easiest way to participate is through the use of a headset with microphone, but attendees may alternately participate via chat.
Register at the following link: http://goo.gl/forms/XWR9Y96Hjg
Join the conversation on Friday, January 30, at 12:00 p.m. at http://centralpenn.adobeconnect.com/crdccs/
Click here for more information.
The Connect & Communicate Series of online programming offered by the PaLA College & Research Division aims to help foster a community of academic librarians in Pennsylvania. Please contact Jill Hallam-Miller at jillhallam-miller@centralpenn.edu or at 717-728-2415 with questions.