LJ Names Chester County Library a Star Library; 4 other PA Libraries Also Receive Designation | Compendium

EXTON- The Chester County Library was named as one of America’s Top-Rated Libraries* – earning the designation as a Star Library by the profession’s leading periodical, Library Journal.  

This is the first year the Chester County Library (CCL) has received this distinction in the ten years that Library Journal has published this index. This year, the index evaluated 7,409 U.S. public libraries across the country. CCL joins just 259 other libraries honored in the nation.

The designation groups libraries with similar operating budgets together, then rates the libraries in five main categories: number of visitors, circulation, program attendance, public Internet use, and electronic circulation. Libraries were evaluated and compared based on expenditure categories. In order to qualify for consideration, libraries must be a public entity, have a service area with a population of at least 1,000 residents, and have a total operating expenditure of at least $10,000. CCL received a three-star designation within the $5 million–$9.9 million expenditure category.

“This national recognition is further proof of the ongoing support we receive from our loyal and engaged community,” said Marguerite Dube, Director of the Chester County Library and Henrietta Hankin Branch Library. “The Chester County Library has always been a special place. I’m thankful for our innovative and hardworking staff, their commitment to customer service, and the support exhibited by our Board of Trustees and the County Commissioners.”

CCL’s star status is a direct reflection of the community’s engagement both physically at the library and through the use of the library’s remote services through www.chescolibraries.org. For more information on the top-rated libraries in America, visit lj.libraryjournal.com.

The mission of the Chester County and Henrietta Hankin Branch Libraries is to provide informational, educational and cultural services to the residents of Chester County so that they may be lifelong learners. The Chester County Library is located at 450 Exton Square Parkway, Exton, PA. For hours or more information, visit our website at www.chescolibraries.org

submitted by
Amy Krize Suveg
Public Relations & Graphic Design Specialist
Chester County Library & District Center

*Other PA Libraries also received designations:  Baden Memorial Library, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Corry Public Library, and Lancaster System Administrative Unit