Learn about LOC Resources Available to You: FREE Webinar | Compendium

Make the most of the Library of Congress (LOC) online collections:

photographs, maps, sound recordings, films, legal and historical documents, and more. Join the Digital Reference Section’s next FREE  one-hour webinar for an interactive orientation to loc.gov.

Title: Introducing loc.gov: Orientation and Research Strategies
: Tuesday, February 14
Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm EST

Registration (required): Please register via Eventbrite.

Orientations are held in real time via webinar software, which allows participants from around the country and the world to join us. Confirmation and log-on instructions will be sent via email. Please read the Library of Congress Comment and Posting Policy.

ADA: Request ADA accommodations five days in advance at (202) 707-6362 or ada@loc.gov. Registration for the program is also required.