Developing Career Pathways for Adults Institute: A Virtual Learning Opportunity | Compendium

man at a computerThe Developing Career Pathways for Adults Institute is scheduled for February 1-3, 2017.

This virtual institute will feature nine one-hour webinars designed to inform participants about key elements and strategies for successful adult career pathways development and implementation strategies.  These webinars are available to adult education practitioners, partners, and others interested in career pathways.  Participants can register for any or all of the webinars.  Registration information will be available January 3, 2017.  Space is limited to 100 participants per webinar so please be sure to register early. Please address any questions to KayLynn Hamilton at

Wednesday, February 1
1:00-2:00 pm
Workforce Development Board Overview
This session will give the nuts and bolts of a local Workforce Development Board, including information about client eligibility, services and partnerships, and essential components for career pathways strategy development.
 Korrie Lucas, Operations Manager, Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation

Thursday, February 2
10:00-11:00 am
Supporting Pathways to Employment: Career Exploration Tools & Information
This webinar will highlight information and resources available on the Center for Workforce Information and Analysis and Job Gateway® websites. Additionally, presenters will provide current information on occupational data sets, hot jobs and High Priority Occupations.
Ed Legge, Kimberly DeLellis, and James Martini, Center for Workforce Information and Analysis 

1:00-2:00 pm
Workforce Development and Career Pathways Resource Round-up
This webinar will take a facilitated tour of the career pathways resources available on the Pennsylvania Adult Education Resources web site.
KayLynn Hamilton, Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy

Friday, February 3
1:00-2:00 pm
PA CareerLink® Promising Practices Panel
This webinar will feature a panel of adult education providers who will describe their integration of services within the PA CareerLink®
Panel: Penn State University, University Park, PA, Northwest IU 5, Edinboro, PA, and Community Learning Center, Philadelphia, PA