Good morning, colleagues.
The Office of Commonwealth Libraries welcomes Davi (DAH-vee) Miranda to the Bureau of Library Development (BLD) as the new State Funds Administrative Assistant.
From Davi…
I would like to invite you for a short journey of a brave human being.
Everything started in 1983 when a little boy was born on the hot morning of November day.
Everything was set up already for his failure even being so tiny and fragile. At that time, his father was struggling and facing the challenges of being employed again. It was a dark time for those house providers and on the other hand his mother was struggling to feed 3 kids plus a newborn. Also, that time, the little boy’s mother put her dignity and shame aside and accepted some help to be able to feed the little boy who was born on a hot morning of November day.
Being unable to breastfeed her newborn, she faced another challenge when she had to split a little help that she received from relatives to help to feed another newborn, her nephew beside her own child. It was a bold decision to embrace for a housewife in the 80s where things were so far away to reach.
That little boy was raised in a Christian environment although faced hardships with the reality around him. Growing in a Christian environment was a blessing while facing the criminality in every corner was monstrous.
How to survive in a world where your chance to overcome tragedies, challenges, hardships and impunity is very minimum?
That little boy became a young man full of joy and dreams. His faith was the fuel to overcome all the obstacles and embrace the small chance to change his destiny.
Ten years ago, he made a hard decision in his life when he decided to leave everything behind to go to another country (USA). His chance to overpower reality was scarce but he embraced it and made it.
Ten years passed by so fast, and he accomplished so many things without any nuances of doubt in his mind that he would make it through.
The paths of the darkness were set up already for his end, but he changed the route of his future. He saw many falling in the streets covered with a piece of cloth. He saw many tears flooding the emotions, but his faith kept him alive knowing he had a future.
This is part of my story. It does not matter about the scars and the challenges that you went through. You have the power to change your destination. You have the power to make your voice to be heard and you have the autonomy to leave a legacy where others will be inspired by you.
Keep accomplishing mountains knowing giants fall when we show them that we are stronger than they think.
BLD is delighted for Davi to start this new chapter as the Administrative Assistant for state funded programs!
Heather Sharpe, MLIS | Director, Bureau of Library Development
Office of Commonwealth Libraries | Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street | 11th Floor | Harrisburg PA 17126
Office: 717.783.0565 | Mobile: 717.903.1819 |
The Bureau of Library Development (BLD) in the Office of Commonwealth Libraries supports libraries and library services for Pennsylvanians through the administration of state and federally funded programs and grant opportunities including LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), Library Access, LAMP (Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians), the Public Library Subsidy, and Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities. BLD also provides advisory services, professional development, and continuing education for library staff and volunteer leadership at public, school, academic, and special libraries.
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