Adult Services Survey | Compendium

Good morning library community!

As the new Accessible Adult Services Advisor for the Bureau of Library Development, I want to both introduce myself and applaud the incredible work you all do in your communities! In order to learn more about current adult services happening in libraries around the Commonwealth, I’d like to ask for your help by filling out a brief survey on adult services in your library. My goal is to understand what is going well, to identify opportunities for growth, and to better understand the needs, challenges, and barriers to service.

Please take some time to fill out the Adult Services Survey by Friday, August 2, 2024. I look forward to working with you all!

For any additional comments or questions, contact Kris LaVanish, Accessible Adult Services Advisor at

The Bureau of Library Development (BLD) in the Office of Commonwealth Libraries supports libraries and library services for Pennsylvanians through the administration of state and federally funded programs and grant opportunities including LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), Library AccessLAMP (Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians), the Public Library Subsidy, and Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities. BLD also provides advisory services, professional development, and continuing education for library staff and volunteer leadership at public, school, academic, and special libraries.

The Compendium is BLD’s primary communication channel. If you don’t already subscribe, please do so to ensure you receive the most up-to-date information.