Register Now for Pennsylvania Summer Library Program 2025 Roundtable Sessions | Compendium

Join colleagues across the state for great discussion on planning for summer 2025 with intentionality and equity at the center in informal, collaborative roundtable sessions.  Share your excitement and energy through constructive and interactive conversation on why libraries are positioned to provide the most excellent and equitable library programs and services to all ages.  Everyone is invited to listen in and speak out about how libraries can serve whole communities.

Register for the following Pennsylvania Summer Library Program Roundtable Sessions

Thursday, September 12, 1:30 – 3:00 PM:  Building Equity-Based Summers
Equity must be at the center of every library’s summer services.  Building Equity-Based Summers helps libraries seek out systemically marginalized voices for guidance in designing and delivering library services.  Equity, belonging, and inclusion aren’t boxes to check off, and starting, centering, and ending with these values transforms library services in new and exciting ways.  Learn about the Equity Principles and Indicators that expand opportunities for everyone in the community.  We recommend viewing the Building Equity-Based Summers workbook before attending the session.

Thursday, October 10, 1:30 – 3:00 PM:  Celebrating Our Stories
Sharing stories is a powerful way to document impact and to understand the value libraries add to their communities.  Join in conversation with colleagues in group and breakout discussion on how we define success, achieve goals, and celebrate outcomes.  Go beyond registration data and completed reading logs to capture the changes you see in skills, well-being, and knowledge, especially in systemically marginalized communities.  Embracing outcomes helps us understand our community assets to rise against challenges.  We recommend viewing the Building Equity-Based Summers workbook section “Summer Services Impact” before attending the session.

Thursday, January 9, 1:30 – 3:00 PM:  Color Our World
Celebrate the Collaborative Summer Library Program “Color Our World” theme in joyful conversation with colleagues.  The Collaborative Summer Library Program 2025 Summer Symposium “Let Learning Color Our World” will take place on Thursday, December 5, 2024.  Registration opens on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, on the Collaborative Summer Library Program website.  Share your excitement and energy for this year’s theme and symposium and share your approach to engaging your community.

Thursday, February 13, 1:30 – 3:00 PM:  Excellent and Equitable Programming
Summer library programming is for everyone, from big to small!  At this roundtable session, we will discuss the forthcoming Summer 2025 Showcase on the PA Library Staff Academy.  Bring your favorite ideas for your library’s 2025 program for any and all ages to share with colleagues to generate energy and excitement around working with and for your unique community.  We can’t wait to see what you plan and how it’s going to support your unique community.

Thursday, March 13, 1:30 – 3:00 PM:  Connecting with Community Voices
Our communities and partners are a fantastic resource in powering summer library programming.  In order to truly center equity in our summer programs, embedding community voices must be a part of summer services design and implementation.  Join in on discussion about active listening, relationship building, relational partnerships, and power sharing to support authentic connections between library staff and community members.  Thinking about how to reach communities that don’t engage with the library?  Relationship building can take patience.  In this session, we’ll explore strategies to build better community partnerships with a public servant approach.  We recommend viewing the Building Equity-Based Summers workbook section “Connecting with Community Voices” before attending the session.

Questions can be sent to Corri Hines (School Age Services Advisor), Heather Warren Smith (Early Childhood Services Advisor), and Kris LaVanish (Accessible Adult Services Advisor), Bureau of Library Development, Office of Commonwealth Libraries.

The Bureau of Library Development (BLD) in the Office of Commonwealth Libraries supports libraries and library services for Pennsylvanians through the administration of state and federally funded programs and grant opportunities including LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), Library AccessLAMP (Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians), the Public Library Subsidy, and Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities. BLD also provides advisory services, professional development, and continuing education for library staff and volunteer leadership at public, school, academic, and special libraries.

The Compendium is BLD’s primary communication channel. If you don’t already subscribe, please do so to ensure you receive the most up-to-date information.